Managing Hyperlink URLs and the Whitelist

Managing Hyperlink URLs and the Whitelist

As a result of enhanced email security measures, starting with the goPost 1.27.0 Release Administrators must establish a whitelist of hyperlink URLs which can be used by goPost staff within any emails generated for customers so that those emails can be sent out successfully. If a hyperlink URL is not an active part of the whitelist, the user will receive an error message and will not be able to send out their email until either the hyperlink is added to the list or it is removed from the email.

Where is the Whitelist?

The goPost Whitelist page should be visible to Administrators from within the Settings portion of the left-hand navigation panel, located below the Instruction Manager and above the Portlet Manager sections.

Whitelist Page

If you are an Administrator but cannot see the Whitelist within the menu, you can access the page directly by adding “/#/whitelist” to the end of your main goPost URL.

For example, if your goPost URL is https://gopost-myAgency.eplansoftreview.com, you would type in https://gopost-myAgency.eplansoftreview.com/#/whitelist.

Adding Hyperlink URLs to the Whitelist

To add a hyperlink URL to the Whitelist:

  1. Login to your goPost portal as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Whitelist page, either from the navigation menu or by typing in your whitelist page URL directly into your browser.

  3. Review the list of existing URLs, if any.

  4. If necessary, click on the green add button on the lower right of the page to add a new hyperlink URL.

    Add Hyperlink URL to Whitelist Button
  5. In the “Add Whitelist URL” window that pops up, insert the desired hyperlink URL and ensure the checkbox for “Active” is selected.

    Add Whitelist URL Window
  6. Click on Save to confirm the addition or CANCEL to go back.


Any hyperlink URLs found within existing standard response templates prior to goPost Release 1.27.0 should have been pre-populated into the Whitelist page, but agency Administrators should review the existing list and add additional URLs as necessary by consulting with their staff to gather any hyperlinks typically sent out to customers.

Editing Hyperlink URLs

Hyperlink URLs within the Whitelist page can be edited by clicking on the (Edit) button to the right of the URL. From the “Edit Whitelist URL” pop-up window, users can then change the URL or switch the item from “Active” to not active and back.

Cannot Update URL Message

Only hyperlinks that are not currently part of an standard response or email template can be edited at this time. Editing an in-use URL will result in an error, as shown above, which shows where the url is in use. If an in-use URL needs to be edited, ask the staff member(s) who use it within their standard responses to remove it, then proceed with editing the URL.

Deleting Hyperlink URLs

Hyperlink URLs within the Whitelist page can be deleted by clicking on the (Delete) button to the right of the URL. Once clicked, a “Confirm Delete” pop-up window will ask the user to review the selection and either CONFIRM the deletion or CANCEL to go back.

Confirm Delete Pop-up Window


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