Email Notifications

Email Notifications

goPost™️ can trigger a variety of email notifications to different users based on the type of activity, the Agency’s Email Notification Configuration, and the individual user’s Email Notification Settings.

Notifications triggered by events are sent as emails to the email address provided by the user.

To avoid missing critical information, we do not recommend unsubscribing from any notifications that are preselected since these are usually based on the portal’s initial configuration. Users can subscribe to additional notifications if desired.

goPost Notifications

The list of available notification options will vary based on the Agency's configurations. This is particularly true for the subset of project “Status Update…” notifications as some of these are based on whichever project statuses have been configured within e-PlanREVIEW®.

The table below provides the base list of notifications for which users may receive emails along with how those emails are triggered.

At a minimum, users are encouraged to subscribe to notifications for events marked with an asterisk ( * ) in the following table.

Notification Type


Notification Recipient

Triggering Event

Notification Type


Notification Recipient

Triggering Event

Project - Data



Project has been created.



Project information has been updated by an applicant.



Project has been deleted by an applicant or internal staff member.

Contact Created

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Contact has been added to the project application by a user.

Contact Deleted


Contact has been removed from a project application by a user.

Contact Updated


Internal staff member has updated Contact information.

Document Uploaded


Document has been processed into goPost. (This does not mean that review has been performed on the document.)

Document Deleted


Document has been deleted after processing.

Document Version Created


New document version has been uploaded by an applicant and linked to an existing document.

Project - Status

Status Update Changed to Accepted*

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Agency staff acknowledge the project application is satisfactory and complete and will proceed with processing for review.

Status Update Changed to Denied


Agency staff have determined the project application is inappropriate (such as incorrect jurisdiction or incorrect type of application) and it will not be accepted for review.

Status Update Changed to Intake

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Staff have set the project application status to ‘Intake’ to notify the Applicant that the project application is undergoing a completeness check. It has not yet been accepted for review.

Status Update Changed to Intake Hold*

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

The project has been placed on hold by agency staff pending some action by the Applicant.

Status Update Changed to Payment Pending*

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Staff have set the project application status to ‘Payment Pending’ to notify the Applicant that they must provide confirmation of payment of application fees before it will proceed to review.

Status Update Changed to Pending

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

The project application and documents have been submitted to the agency upon clicking SUBMIT.

Status Update Changed to Pending Link

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

The project application and documents have been submitted to the agency as a revision to an existing project upon clicking SUBMIT and are awaiting staff to associate the applications.

Status Update Changed to Approved*

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Staff have set the project application status to ‘Approved’ after review has been completed.

Status Update Changed to Corrections Required/Resubmit*

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

One or more plan review documents require changes or a requirement is missing.

EPR Project Status Update (Project Status linked from EPR)

Admin, Internal User, and Applicant

Additional Status notifications may exist based on the project status values configured by Admins in EPR. These project status notifications will usually end in a parenthetical such as “(For Permitting)” or “(For Design Review)” to denote that they originate from a list within EPR. These options will remain available as long as the corresponding status value exists within EPR.

goPost Portal

Package Ready*


The project application review has been completed and a set of plans have been delivered either with markups (if resubmittal is required) or approval stamps (if the application has been approved) for download.



Admin and Applicant

An account is created.

Password Changed

(No email sent out.)

A password has been changed. (No email sent out.)


(No email sent out.)

An account has been updated. (No email sent out.)


Failed to Push Documents to Back Office


goPost to EPR API call fails.

Unable to Post This Project to Back Office


goPost to EPR API call fails.

Applicant Support Email


Applicant sends email via goPost Help > Message Intake Staff.

An “Internal User” (the role designed for agency staff that do not require Administrative-level goPost access) will receive status notifications if subscribed, but ONLY for project applications created within the goPost portlet(s) that the user has access to, as listed within their account’s LOGIN tab.

Subscribing to Email Notifications

Initial notification subscriptions are set by the Administrator during configuration.

To subscribe to additional notifications:

  1. Click on your Username at the top right.

  2. Select Email Notification Settings from the drop-down.

  3. Make sure that Email notifications are turned on.

  4. To subscribe, check the box next to the desired notification.

If you cannot make changes to Email Notification Settings, then modifications have been restricted by the Agency Admin.

The initial notification configurations, which apply to any new account created, can be updated from within the Settings > Email Notification page. Changes to default configuration will affect accounts created afterward but are not retroactive so existing accounts will not be updated.

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