Email Notification Options for Applicants

Email Notification Options for Applicants

Applicants may receive notifications from goPost™️ regarding updates to their project application status or when marked-up plans are ready to be downloaded. These notifications are sent as emails to the email address provided by the applicant.

The types of notifications will vary based on the Agency's notification configurations, but applicants may have the option to subscribe to additional notifications from their profile if not restricted by the Agency.

To avoid unnecessary confusion or delays with a project application, we do not recommend unsubscribing from any notifications that are preselected.

goPost Notifications

The table below provides the list of optional notifications that an applicant may receive and how the notification emails are triggered. For information on what to do when you receive a notification, see Project Statuses.

Notification Type


Triggering Event

Notification Type


Triggering Event


Status Update Changed to Accepted*

Agency acknowledges the project application is satisfactory and will proceed with processing for review.

Status Update Changed to Denied

Agency determined the project application is inappropriate (such as incorrect jurisdiction or incorrect type of application) and will not be accepted for review.

Status Update Changed to Intake

Your project application is undergoing a completeness check by agency staff. It has not yet been accepted for review.

Status Update Changed to Intake Hold*

Your project has been placed on hold by agency staff pending some action by the Applicant.

Status Update Changed to Payment Pending*

Your project application is on hold pending confirmation of payment for application fees to staff before accepting it for review.

Status Update Changed to Pending

Your project application and documents have been submitted to the agency upon clicking SUBMIT.

Status Update Changed to Pending Link

Your project application and documents have been submitted to the agency as a revision to an existing project upon clicking SUBMIT and are awaiting staff to associate the applications.

Status Update Changed to Approved*

Your project application has been approved or has been completed.

Status Update Changed to Corrections Required/Resubmit*

One or more plan review documents require changes or a requirement is missing.

EPR Project Status Update (Project Status linked from EPR)

Additional Status notifications may exist based on agency configurations of EPR. If you are unsure of what a particular Status means, consult the Agency.

goPost Portal

Package Ready*

Your project application review has been completed and a set of plans have been delivered either with markups (if resubmittal is required) or approval stamps (if the application has been approved) for you to download.

It is recommended, at a minimum, that applicants subscribe to the notifications marked with an asterisk ( * ) in the table above.

Subscribing to Email Notifications

Initial notification subscriptions are preselected by the Agency.

To receive additional notifications, applicants can subscribe as follows:

  1. Click on your Username.

  2. Select Email Notification Settings from the drop-down.

  3. Make sure that Email notifications are turned on.

  4. To subscribe, check the box next to the notification.

If you notice that you cannot make changes, then the Agency has restricted the ability to modify notifications.

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