Assisting with New Applications

Assisting with New Applications

Internal Users can assist an applicant by creating a goPost™ project application on their behalf and then transferring the ownership over to the applicant so that they can upload required documents.

Internal Users are encouraged to either have the applicant by their side, available on the phone, or at minimum have been previously supplied with some basic application details (such as an application name that the applicant will recognize) before beginning this process.

It is also strongly encouraged to assist applicants with creating a goPost account before creating an application if they have not already created one.

Creating a Project Application Record

From the Dashboard page, begin a new project application by clicking the button in the lower right corner.

New project applications can be created by clicking the button in the lower right corner of the Projects Page as well.

Fill In Initial Requirements

  1. If given the option, select whether this project application is a new application or a revision of an existing project. If no option is presented, the assumption is this is a new application.

    1. When submitting an application for a new project, select No, this is a new project.

    2. If seeking approval for additional changes to (or if related to) an existing goPost project application that has already been approved, select Yes, this project is a revision of another project.

  2. Under “DETAILS”, fill out any fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) at a minimum as these are required. This is where direct access to the applicant themselves will be instrumental.

    1. Provide a Project Name that will be easy to recognize and recall by the applicant.

    2. Select the Project Type appropriate to this project application, and be aware that this field cannot be changed later.

    3. Fill out as many additional fields as possible with information provided by the applicant. If you are only starting the application on the applicant’s behalf, ask them to supply missing information as needed before it is accepted.

  3. Under “PROPERTY LOCATION”, fill out any fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) at a minimum as these are required. Supply any additional details available.

    1. For a specific address fill in Street #, Direction, Street Name, Street Type, Unit/Suite, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, and Country as appropriate.

    2. For sites without a street address, you may instead provide a Parcel # or Tract # if those fields are available.

    3. For sites at intersections, along a stretch of road, or that otherwise are not covered by the previous options, you may be able to check the box for "This property does not have a street address" (if available).

  4. Under “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION”, fill out any fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) at a minimum as these are required. Supply any additional details as desired.

    1. If no additional information is required, this sub-tab may be empty.

  5. Click the SAVE button.

At this point, you have created the project application for the applicant and it has the status of CREATED.

As the project creator, you currently have ownership of the project. To ensure the applicant can view, update, and track the project application moving forward, you will need to transfer ownership to them through the Contacts tab.

Add Yourself as a Contact

Each project must have at least one Project Contact with a valid login since they are expected to access the project to upload submitted files, receive email notifications, download deliverables packages, and more. Additional contacts may be added for reference, but for now it is recommended that you focus on your own contact first.

Start by adding yourself as an initial project contact (this will only be temporary):

  1. Select the button at the bottom right of the Contacts page.

  2. A form will pop up asking you to either:

    1. Add Self

    2. Add New User

    3. Add Existing User

  3. Select Add Self and click NEXT.

  4. If you are adding yourself (Self):

    1. Choose a Role from the drop-down list.

    2. Click ADD CONTACT.

Add a Contact Pop-up Window

Fields denoted with an asterisk are required.

Transfer Project Ownership to the Applicant

After adding yourself to the project application, the next step is to add the application as a contact as well.

If the applicant has not yet created a goPost account, stop. Ask them to create one from the goPost login page. Once that task is completed, have them contact you so that you can add them to the application and transfer ownership.

To add the applicant as a contact:

  1. Select the button at the bottom right of the Contacts page.

  2. A form will pop up asking you to either:

    1. Add Self

    2. Add New User

    3. Add Existing User

  3. Select Add Existing User and click NEXT.

  4. For the applicant’s account:

    1. Choose a Role from the drop-down that reflects their relationship to the project (this can be as general as “Applicant” or as specific as “Owner” or “Contractor” depending on your agency’s configurations).

    2. Type in the user's full email address in the search field. goPost will return a match if it already exists. Click on the match so the user is selected (email turns blue).

    3. If no match is returned, check the email address entered. If correct, click BACK. The contact may not exist yet or they may have created an applicant account with a different email address.

  5. Check the box for Transfer Ownership.

    1. Selecting this will tell goPost to transfer the project application ownership from the application creator (yourself) to this new contact (the applicant). This will allow them to view, edit, submit plans, track the course of the project, and download deliverables moving forward.

  6. Click ADD CONTACT.

Ownership of the application record has been transferred and you should now delete your contact record from the application.

If you do not transfer ownership to the applicant they will not be able to see the project application record when they log into goPost.


From this point, the applicant can continue the application process by adding any additional contacts as desired and proceed to uploading plans and submitting the application when ready. If you intend to further assist with this process, follow the steps as indicated in Create a Project Application.

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