Completing the Partners page
This article provides information about the Settings/Environment/Partners page. The Partners page is used to provide API connectivity from EPR to 3rd party back office solutions.
- The 3rd party application has been deployed and is ready to connect to EPR.
- You have access to the administrative level user credentials on the Partner's system.
In this article:
Connecting EPR to a 3rd party application
- Login to EPR as an Administrator.
- Navigate to Settings/Environment/Partners.
- Enter the Partner Name as provided by e-PlanSoft.
- Ensure Partner is Active is toggled to the on position.
- Under Incoming API Integration:
- Enter the Partner's username and password.
- These credentials will grant administrator-level access from the Partner's system to EPR.
- Confirm these credentials match those configured in the Partner's system.
- Under Outgoing API Integration:
- Enter the email address and password of an administrator-level user account on the Partner's system. These credentials grant access from EPR to the Partner's system.
- Enter the EndPoint/URL, (including 'https://') to the Partner's system.
- Do not include a trailing '/' at the end of a url. Example: , not
- Note that the route is not needed and should not be provided.
- Under Retry Attempts, enter a number between 1 and 5. (The default retry attempts is 3.)
- The Retry Attempts value defines the number of times EPR will 'call out' to the Partner for a login token before giving up.
- Under Timeout(ms), enter a number in milliseconds. (The default is 500 ms).
- The Timeout value defines the number of ms to pause between attempts to contact the Partner.
- If the Connection Status is flagged with a red X validate steps 4 and 6 again.
- If the Outgoing API Integration section contains the correct information the Connection Status will display a green check.
- Select the Save button (required).
Connecting EPR to goPost
See the goPost article Complete the Back Office Config page.