Resetting Security Questions

Resetting Security Questions

Applicants who forget their answers can reset security questions to restore access to their account.

Instructions for Resetting Security Questions

If required to provide verify identity using a security question and you have forgotten the answers to all three account security questions, your only option will be to reset all questions. To reset questions:

  1. From the “Verify Your Identity” page (see below), click on Reset Security Questions. A confirmation message will indicate that an email was sent to your inbox with reset instructions.

  2. Check your inbox for an email with the subject line “Reset security questions.”

  3. Click on the link titled Reset Security Questions within the body of the email. This will clear your previous security questions and answers and then open the login page in a new tab.

  4. Log into goPost.

  5. Select three security questions for which only you will know the answers.

  6. Fill in your answer for each question.

You have now reset your security questions successfully.

Verify Your Identity Page with 'Reset Security Questions' and 'Ask Another Question' buttons
Verify Your Identity Page


If you have forgotten the answer to the first security question presented during verification, but remember the answer to another, you can click on Ask Another Question to switch to another question instead of resetting all questions.

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