Why Sheet Number Are Necessary for Partial Intake

Why Sheet Number Are Necessary for Partial Intake

This article will attempt to explain why sheet numbers are necessary for EPR's Partial Intake feature

In this article:

About Partial Submittal/Intake

Partial submittal/intake is the process where an applicant uploads a partial plans set - usually consisting of just new and/or changed pages - instead of providing another full plan set during a resubmittal. 


EPR can be configured one of two ways: to prevent partial submittal/intake ("Partial Intake OFF") or to allow partial submittals ("Partial Intake ON"). 

Partial Submittal ON Relies on Sheet Numbers

Partial submittal/intake relies on EPR being able to read sheet number information from each incoming document page to do one of the following:

  • If sheet number MATCHES an existing page sheet number, EPR links the two pages. EPR then updates the current version to use the latest version (from new submittal) in the aggregate document.

  • If sheet number DOES NOT MATCH an existing page sheet number, EPR adds the page as new to the end of the aggregate document and displays the sheet number.

  • If sheet number is missing or cannot be identified, EPR adds that page as new to the end of the aggregate document without displaying a sheet number (it shows the page number only).

How EPR Identifies Sheet Numbers

During the document render process, optical character recognition (OCR) runs to try to identify sheet numbers automatically.

Location Where EPR looks for Sheet Numbers

EPR focuses on the lower right corner of the incoming page to try to identify the sheet number (as highlighted in red below):




Example sheet number detection:


How Sheet Numbers Are Used

Proper linking of pages from one submittal to another by using Sheet Numbers allows EPR to migrate markups (both comments, sketches, etc.) to the latest version of a document page.

Document Page Linking

Partial Submittal OFF (Default)

Partial Submittal ON

With Partial Submittal OFF, sheet numbers are NOT required to link pages. Instead, EPR will link pages by the page position within the document. This is a blink match that relies solely on page position in the document.

Limitation: Subsequent submittal versions CANNOT have fewer pages than the previous submittal version.

With Partial Submittal ON, sheet numbers are REQUIRED and EPR will link pages by the sheet numbers provided.

This means subsequent submittals can have fewer pages than previous submittals because EPR does not rely on page position.

Comments are moved from version to version by the sheet numbers provided.

In the example on the left, Submittal 1 has S2 as page 2 but then S2 is the first page in Submittal 2. 

This is okay because we are able to identify each page by their sheet number, so comments and other markups can be moved to the matching page.

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