Project Statuses and Workflow

Project Statuses and Workflow

e-PlanReview® (EPR) tracks project status across the life of a project. Some project status updates are automated, though most require a user to update the status manually.

For clients using goPost, once the project status is updated in EPR it will trigger an equivalent project status update in goPost for that project application record.

For clients using an integrated permitting system, the workflow will likely be managed by the permitting system itself rather than EPR.

What are Project Statuses?

EPR provides a set of six (6) default project status values, which can be used right out of the box. If an Agency thinks the default project status ‘label’ will be confusing to staff, new status values can be created and the existing default labels can be made ‘Inactive’ so they do not cause confusion.

Each project status has a “Label” value that the users will see when they look at the project status as well as a “Parent Item” value which is used by EPR to determine how that label behaves.

Project Status Default Label

Project Status Parent Item

Parent Item Behavior


Project Status Default Label

Project Status Parent Item

Parent Item Behavior




EPR automatically sets a newly created project’s status to an Open status. When resubmittal files are received for a project, EPR automatically changes the project status back to an Open status. The status can also be set manually if needed.

  • There should always be an active project status mapped to the ‘Open’ parent item.

  • If there is more than one status mapped to the ‘Open’ parent item, the system will use the one marked as ‘Default.’

Cycle Complete

Cycle Complete

EPR automatically changes the project status from an Open to a Cycle Complete status when all plan review assignment statuses are given either a Pass, Fail, or Withdrawn status by reviewers. The status can also be set manually if needed.

  • There should always be an active project status mapped to the ‘Cycle Complete’ parent item.

  • If there is more than one status mapped to the ‘Cycle Complete’ parent item, the system will use the one marked as ‘Default.’



Use this workflow status to indicate that the project is successfully completed. For permitting projects, a Pass status would imply that a permit can be issued if appropriate.


Corrections Required


Use this workflow status to indicate that the project’s current review is completed, but not approved and that a resubmittal is expected/required.


On Hold

On Hold

Use this workflow status to stop plan review until further notice.

Setting this status will prevent the ability to upload, intake, or review plans as well as prevent staff from making any assignment or project changes until the status is changed to an Open status. (Changing the project status is still allowed.)

  • This status should be set manually if staff determine that a plan review cycle must be paused; for example, if not all necessary documents are provided or if payment has not been processed.



Use this workflow status for projects that staff determine will not move forward at all/will not be completed.

  • This status should be set manually if staff determine that a project has been withdrawn, abandoned, if the applicant has failed to pay outstanding fees, or is not going to be continued for any other reason and you want to prevent staff from working on it further.

Create a Project Status

Rather than relabeling an existing Project Status, it’s best to create a new one if the existing labels will potentially confuse users.

To create a new project status within EPR:

  1. Navigate within the EPR menu to Settings > Configuration > Lists.

  2. Click within the “Purpose” dropdown and select either For Permitting or For Design Review.

  3. Click within the “List Type” dropdown and select Project Status.

  4. To add a project status, click the (Add) button in the lower right corner.

  5. Type the project status name into the “Label” field.

    1. Can use alphanumeric characters, as well as “-”, “_” or “/” characters.

    2. The full label displays in tooltips and in comment report letters if the Group is used as a header value.

  6. Type the project status abbreviation into the “Item Abbreviation” field.

    1. Can use alphanumeric characters only.

    2. Abbreviation length should be between 1-4 characters at maximum.

    3. Abbreviation is displayed most often throughout EPR, appearing within table columns, in comment tags, and other similar locations where saving space is a priority.

  7. Sort Order is ignored since project status will sort alphabetically in dropdowns (based on the label).

  8. Type in a hex color value into the “Item Color” field or click on the circle next to it to select from the color picker.

    1. The selected color is used to represent the project status throughout EPR.

  9. Click on the List Item is Active toggle to enable or disable the group.

  10. Click SAVE to complete.

List Items > Project Status Layout

Add Project Status Window

List Items > Project Status Layout

Add Project Status Window


List Item Page Displaying Project Status Table




Project Status Window


Edit a Project Status

Most project status information can be edited as needed, though because of how information is tracked behind the scenes, updating an existing “Label” is not recommended. If a label needs to be changed, it is usually better to create a new project status record (with the new label) instead of repurposing an existing project status.

To edit other existing project status information within EPR:

  1. Navigate within the EPR menu to Settings > Configuration > Lists.

  2. Click within the “Purpose” dropdown and select either For Permitting or For Design Review.

  3. Click within the “List Type” dropdown and select Project Status.

    1. This will load the existing project status value table.

  4. Click (Edit) to open an existing project status.

  5. Update Parent Item, Abbreviation, or Color value(s) as needed.

    1. If necessary, click on the List Item is Active/Inactive toggle to disable or re-enable the project status.

  6. Click SAVE to complete the update or CANCEL to close the form without making any changes.

Delete a Project Status

If a project status has not been used, it can be safely deleted from EPR. However, deleting should be reserved as a last resort.

To delete a Project Status:

  1. Navigate within the EPR menu to Settings > Configuration > Lists.

  2. Click within the “Purpose” dropdown and select either For Permitting or For Design Review.

  3. Click within the “List Type” dropdown and select Project Status.

    1. This will load the existing project status value table.

  4. Click (Delete) next to a project status to remove it from EPR.

Deleting the project status will be successful as long as it has not been used anywhere within EPR. For project statuses that have been used already, go ahead and inactivate the project status instead.


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