Document Management

Document Management

EPR sorts files into either “Plans” or “Attachments” categories during upload and intake, with “Plans” meant to be reviewed and marked up in the Review page while “Attachments” are only viewable for reference. Documents processed as plans are rendered and images of those renders are displayed on the Review page for staff to see and mark up as necessary. Documents uploaded as attachments (which can include non-PDF files), are not rendered.

EPR lists new documents submitted for plan review within a project. Any resubmittals of existing documents are linked to that document and organized as new submittal versions under the document’s first submittal. Assignments are created for individual documents during the first submittal. The same assignments then get updated to point to the latest document version whenever resubmittals are linked. Assignment statuses are usually reset at this point, though some can be persisted through Distribution Configuration settings.

Submittal versioning allows comments and other markups from a previous submittal to be pulled forward into the latest resubmittal to allow reviewers to pick up where they left off.

For more information about uploading documents and creating assignments, see Performing Intake.

Project Documents

After logging into EPR, click on Projects in the navigation panel to view a list of all projects within the system. Select a project to view and click the (navigation arrow) to view more information about the project. The project will first load on the project DETAILS tab, with several additional tabs containing project information listed to the right, as shown below.


To view information about the project documents, click on the DOCUMENTS tab.


The Documents tab lists each document submitted for review once it has been processed through intake successfully:

  1. The Documents tab organizes project files by listing the first submittal for each document that will undergo plan review.

  2. Any resubmittals (assuming they are properly linked to the first submittal) are not displayed in this list by name, but the submittal number does reflect linked resubmittals.

  3. Reference documents submitted as “Attachments” are not included in this list but they are accessible through the ATTACHMENTS tab.









Displays a small thumbnail of the document’s first page. If no preview image displays, the file (or at least the first page) may have failed to render.


Displays the document file name based on the name of the first submittal. This name does not update with resubmittals.



Displays the version number [Year, Month, Date, and a suffix letter ( x ) based on how many times the file has been submitted the same day, in the format YYYYMMDDx] for the latest submittal or resubmittal.



Displays the aggregate total page count of all unique file pages submitted across all submittal versions. This number increases whenever a resubmittal has new, unique pages that were not part of a previous submittal. It should never decrease.



Displays the submittal number (“Document Cycle” in EPR terms) based on the latest submittal or resubmittal.


Navigation Arrow

Click button to drill down and view more document information, starting with the Document Details sub-tab.


Click button to download a copy of the latest submittal linked to the document.

Scout Results

Click button to view the Scout results for the latest submittal linked to the document.


Click button to delete the file and all versions linked to it; assignments linked to this file will become inaccessible. Only users with rights will be able to perform this action.


Click button to navigate to the previous document records page. This button only becomes active if the number of documents for the project exceeds the number of rows set in the rows dropdown.

Rows [dropdown]

Click dropdown to change the number of rows of document records displayed per page before users need to click on Previous or Next.


Click button to navigate to the next document records page. This button only becomes active if the number of documents for the project exceeds the number of rows set in the rows dropdown.


Click button to upload new files directly into the project in EPR. This should not be used by clients who are integrated into goPost or permitting system partners unless otherwise indicated.

When a resubmittal is linked to a document, the Documents list will update the Version, Page, and Submittal information, but not the Document name.

If resubmittal files are not linked to a previous submittal correctly, they will list as separate documents in the DOCUMENTS tab. This will cause them to have separate assignments from the prior submittal and prevent markups from pulling forward into the latest resubmittal for reviewers to update and/or close. Generally this scenario is not recommended.

Document Details

Select a document to view and click the (navigation arrow) to view more information about the document. The DOCUMENTS tab will reload and display the three document sub-tabs, with the Details sub-tab selected by default.

The Details sub-tab displays information for the latest version of the document. This includes:

  1. Thumbnails for each page within the first document version submittal.

  2. The first submittal File Name.

  3. The latest submittal Version number.

  4. The latest submittal Document Cycle.

  5. The current Assignment Status (see below) for all assignments created for this document.

Understanding the Assignment Status at the Document Level

The Assignment Status displayed in the Details subsection is actually determined by checking the status of all the document’s individual assignments and calculating an overall status as noted below.

Aggregate Status Label

Parent Value



Aggregate Status Label

Parent Value



“Not Started”

Not Started

Review has not started on this document (initial status).

ALL document assignments are not started.



Review has started but is not complete.

One or more assignments is active and none are rejected.

“Corrections Required”


At least one reviewer has requested corrections.

One or more assignments is rejected.



All reviewers have approved this document.

ALL document assignments are approved.



This document does not require review.

ALL document assignments are marked “Canceled.”

The Assignment Status labels used by an agency may be changed if you prefer different terminology. Regardless of the label, each status will be mapped to a parent value and its behavior will be determined by the parent as defined in the table above.

An agency must keep at least one active Status value for each parent value listed above.

Document Submittals

While in the DOCUMENTS tab, click on the Submittals section to display the document’s submittal history, including the current and any previous versions of the file. The history begins with the file’s first submittal, and each resubmitted version will build on top of that first submittal foundation once properly linked during intake.

All linked submittals are displayed here, each with its own:

  1. Preview of the first page thumbnail for each submittal. See Document Rendering and Print Rendering.

  2. Document filename for each submittal.

  3. Version number for each submittal.

  4. Page count for each submittal.

  5. Submittal value.

  6. Submitted Time (and date) when the file was processed in EPR.

  7. Options to download each file submittal (), check Scout results ( ), delete ( ) or re-render ( ) the file.

Page count is actually recorded as a running total of all unique pages across the current and previous submittals. That means the page count for each resubmittal should always be at least the same or greater than the previous submittal’s page count. If page count is ever lesser, document pages have not been mapped correctly.

Download a Document Submittal

Click on the download icon () to download a copy of the select submittal locally. Unlike the main Documents tab, you can specify whichever submittal you want to download from this section.

Check Scout Results for a Document Submittal

Click on the Scout Results icon ( ) to pop-up a window with information from Scout about this submittal. Hover over the question mark icon () for more detail.

Delete a Document Submittal

Only certain users will have the ability to delete a document submittal after it has been pushed to EPR, and even so, this is generally restricted to deleting the latest resubmittal (this requires the Project - Document Files delete permission). You may notice that previous resubmittals will have the Delete button grayed out and not selectable. This is to preserve document history since, in most cases, only the latest resubmittal can be deleted and even that should not be removed if reviews have already begun.

Even users with rights, however, should consult the e-Plansoft Team Service Desk before attempting to delete a submittal to ensure that any related records are handled properly. Users who have EPR integrated with another product should also consult Service Desk before attempting to remove records as this may require coordination across EPR and the integrated system.

Re-Render a Document Submittal

Click on the ellipsis icon ( ) to pop-up an option to click Render and retry the submittal document if it is not rendered already. This triggers an alternate rendering process and may be able to help with files that did not render successfully using the normal rendering process.

If the alternate rendering method is not successful, consult the e-Plansoft Team Service Desk.

Document Assignments

While in the DOCUMENTS tab, click on the Assignments section to display the review assignments for this specific file. Assignments are usually created during the first submittal, though more assignments can be added during resubmittals. Assignments cannot be deleted or excluded from a resubmittal - this is done intentionally to preserve the review history in EPR - but can be managed by status as indicated below.

If an assignment is no longer necessary in the latest round of review, ask the reviewer to set the status to your default “Canceled” status so that it no longer factors into the rest of the review.

These same assignments are updated with with new “Assigned Dates,” “Due Dates,” and also begin to display the latest resubmittal’s file name under “Document” once resubmittal documents are sent to EPR. The assignment records will always point to the most recent document submittal. Other fields, such as “Status Change Date” will update over the course of the review.

Each submittal should not have its own separate assignments unless specifically defined by your Agency’s workflow. If you see separate assignments, that indicates that the resubmittal is not linked to the previous submittal and you may need to consult with intake staff to confirm whether this is intentional.









Click this to see which columns are currently preselected to display in the DOCUMENTS > Assignments subsection. You can change these selections to update what is displayed (except for the required columns, whose checkboxes are grayed out). If you make changes, click SAVE to confirm.

Show [dropdown filter]

Click this to change which assignments display display in the DOCUMENTS > Assignments subsection based on Assignee and Group. Choices include “Show All” (all assignments), “Show My Group” (only assignments for your groups), or “Show Mine” (only assignments where you are the assignee).

Assignment Status [dropdown filter]

Click this to change which assignments display display in the DOCUMENTS > Assignments subsection based on Status. Choices include “Select All” (which will check the boxes for all of the statuses), or each individual Assignment Status (using its abbreviation). Select whichever you are interested in seeing.


Displays the name of the user expected to perform this review task. If no specific user is assigned, the field remains blank. Either way, any user with rights can view and set the assignment status (it is not restricted to only the Assignee).

John Smith


Displays the Group value (in the group color) for each individual assignment. Although anyone with rights can see the assignment, only members of the Group can be selected as an Assignee and only they can change the assignment’s status. Group value cannot be edited after an assignment is created.


Displays the assignment status (as an abbreviation) for each individual review task. Hover over the abbreviation to display the full status label.

Type (Review Type)

Displays the Review Type, an optional value that can be used to create multiple unique assignments for a single specified Assignee or for a generic Group assignee, as an abbreviation.


Project #

Displays the project number, which can be clicked on to navigate back to the project DETAILS tab.



Displays the document file name based on the name of the first submittal. This name does not update with resubmittals.


Assigned Date

This displays the date the review task was created in EPR and is displayed by date, month, and year (format: DD, Mmm, YYYY).

13 Apr 2023

Due Date

This displays the due date for the review task, as defined during assignment creation. Once the Due Date has passed, it changes to a bold red color to indicate the review should have been completed by now.

Status Change Date

Select this field from the COLUMN FILTER list to display this optional value. This displays the date of the most recent status update for this assignment.

25 Apr 2023

Navigation Arrow

Click button to open the assignment on the Review page.


Click button to edit assignment record information. Editable fields include Review Type, User (which is the same as “Assignee”), and Due Date.

Time Trackers

Click button to see a list of all self-reported review times added by users for this assignment in either the current or previous submittals. Users can also add additional additional time tracker information from here in addition to doing it on the Review page.


Click button to delete the assignment and all history linked to it. Only users with rights will be able to perform this action.


Click button to navigate to the previous document records page. This button only becomes active if the number of documents for the project exceeds the number of rows set in the rows dropdown.

Rows [dropdown]

Click dropdown to change the number of rows of document records displayed per page before users need to click on Previous or Next.


Click button to navigate to the next document records page. This button only becomes active if the number of documents for the project exceeds the number of rows set in the rows dropdown.


If available, click button to create additional assignments related to this document. This should not be used by clients who are integrated into goPost or permitting system partners unless otherwise indicated.

This page provides a filtered view of assignments for the selected document only, whereas the project ASSIGNMENTS tab displays assignment records for all documents associated with the project, and the global Assignments page in the main navigation menu will display assignment records across many project applications at once. Each of these results can be further filtered using the Show and Assignment Status dropdowns.

Delete a Document Assignment

Only certain users will have the ability to delete an assignment (this requires the Project - Document Assignments delete permission). Because assignments are generally created during the first submittal and are tracking the markup history through every resubmittal going forward, it is generally not recommended for staff to delete any assignments once someone has begun to mark them up. Instead, assignments that are no longer needed should instead have their status set to “Canceled” (or an equivalent value) if they no longer apply.

If you are uncertain of whether you should delete an assignment, consult the e-Plansoft Team Service Desk before attempting the deletion.

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