Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The e-PlanREVIEW® (EPR) Review page is where reviewers and other users will spend most of their time looking through, marking up, and commenting on plans supplied by applicants.


Components of the Review Page

The Review page is made up of four main areas:

  1. The Header (top)

    • Navigation Menu

    • Assignment/Document Functions

  2. The Review Window (center)

    • Toolbar

    • Markup Details

  3. The Thumbnail Panel (left side)

    • Thumbnails Pane

    • Layers Pane

  4. The Markup Panel (right side)

    • Comments Pane

    • Measurements Pane

    • Sketches Pane





Navigation Menu

(blue star)

Click to navigate to the current project’s DETAILS, ASSIGNMENTS, DOCUMENTS, COMMENTS, or DELIVERABLES tabs. Also provides access to:

Document Filename


The filename of the document you are currently reviewing.

Document Information

(blue star)

Click to open the “Project/Document Information” window to view available information for project address, contact, document/version, and assignment information.


Image RemovedHeader - Save Markups.pngImage Added

Click to save any unsaved markups. The SAVE MARKUPS button will turngreenwhenever there are any unsaved sketches or measurements on the page. (Comments and stamps are saved immediately once created.) Save as frequently as comfortable or configure autosave preferences in Workspace Preferences.


Image RemovedHeader - Save Workspace.pngImage Added

Click SAVE WORKSPACE to save your current page position, page zoom, and line style/opacity markup settings for reuse next time you open a document page. Layer settings are also saved to your workspace profile. To update, simply make desired changes and then click SAVE WORKSPACE again.


Displays your reviewer group (department, discipline, etc.) in the markup color assigned to your the group. All markups made will be associated to your the currently selected group.

If you belong to multiple groups, click here to open a window allowing you to switch to another reviewer group for additional markup. (Note that you are still in the same assignment as before.)

Assignment Status

Click the “Status” dropdown to choose the appropriate assignment status once you have complete your plan review. Updating your assignment status is an expected part of your plan review unless otherwise specified.

If the “Status” dropdown is not clickable, you may have selected the assignment for a different group and must stop and switch to the correct assignment.


(blue star)

If enabled, click to invite one or more guest(s) to view and respond to comments on the plan set for limited time.

Time Tracker

(blue star)

Click to self-report how much time you have spent reviewing the current document.

Full Screen

(blue star)

Click to enter the browser’s “Full Screen” mode, which hides the browser buttons from view.

Press F11 to return to normal screen mode.

Restore Workspace

(blue star)

Revert the page view to your previously saved workspace settings without having to refresh the browser page or losing any unsaved markups.


(blue star)

Click to open the Project Attachments window. You may view existing attachments and upload new attachments to the project (assuming those permissions have been granted).

Printer Preview

(blue star)

Click to open the “Print to PDF Preview” window to preview what the pdf would look like if created with the current markups.

From the preview window you will have the option to DOWNLOAD the marked up pdf file to your desktop.

Page Lock

(blue star)

Click to prevent a page from being replaced by a newer version of the page during a resubmittal.


(blue star)

Click to view options for accessing the EPR Online Wiki or to create a service desk ticket for technical support.


(blue star)

Click to log out of EPR. You will be reminded to save if you have any unsaved markups.






Rotate Toolbar

(blue star)

Toggle the toolbar between vertical and horizontal layout.

Markup Color

(blue star)

Color used for new markups (excluding stamps). Your Group color determines the default selection and this can only be edited if allowed by your Administrator.

Markup Opacity


Opacity used for new markups (whenever opacity applies). Set to 60% by default and can be changed to 0% (fully transparent), 20%, 40%, 80% or 100% (fully opaque).

Markup Line Weight/Style

(blue star)

Line weight and style used for new markups. Set to thin, solid line by default. Options include three different line weights and 2 line styles (solid and dashed line).

Move, Pan, and Select

(blue star)

Click on page to move it around within the review window or select a markup to view markup detail and edit.

Text Box

(blue star)

Create a text box/label that will print on marked up document returned to the applicant.


(blue star)

Draw a rectangle.


(blue star)

Draw a polygon.

Polygon Cloud

(blue star)

Draw a polygon cloud.


(blue star)

Draw a circle.


(blue star)

Draw a line.


(blue star)

Draws a line with an arrowhead.


(blue star)

Freehand draw.


(blue star)

Place a comment tag.


(blue star)

Highlight text or an area.


(blue star)

Calibrate using a known distance between two points.


(blue star)

Calculate a distance.


(blue star)

Calculate an area.


(blue star)

Calculate an angle using three points.


(blue star)

Calculate a radius from a center point.


(blue star)

Place a stamp.

Save Page Rotation

(blue star)

Save page rotation permanently.

Zoom Out

(blue star)

Zoom out of the page in 25% increments.

Zoom In

(blue star)

Zoom into the page in 25% increments.


(blue star)

Fit full document page centered within window.


(blue star)

Compare two selected pages or page versions using “overlay” or “paired window” views.

Rotate Left

(blue star)

Rotate page to the left temporarily.

Rotate Right

(blue star)

Rotate page to the right temporarily.


How-To Markup


Refer to the links below for more instructions on how to use some of these tools for review.


The Thumbnail Panel

The Thumbnail Panel is located to the left of the review window and consists of two panes which users can toggle between: Thumbnails and Layers.


Image RemovedImage RemovedThis icon displays if reviewer sketches exist on a sheet



Thumbnails Pane ( (blue star) )



Layers Pane ( (blue star) )

Submittal Dropdown

Allows you to switch between current and previous submittals. Changing the value will update the thumbnails displayed.

Thumbnail Panel - thumbnail previews - edited.pngImage Added

Show (User) Group Filter

Click the checkbox to quickly display only your Group’s markups and hide all others.

Thumbnail Panel - LAYERS - edited.pngImage Added

Search Filter

Type in a letter or sheet number to filter for sheets that begin with that same value.

Move Markups

Click to move all your markups from the current sheet to another selected sheet.

Submittal Tag

If Submittal Tags are turned on (ask your Admin), they will display for each document submittal up to 10 submittals. The sheet is part of any submittal where the tag is teal instead of gray.

Click on a submittal tag and you will jump to that sheet in that submittal version.

Expand/Collapse Layer

Click the arrow to expand the markups layer to display a sublayer for each available Group’s markups. (Each sublayer can be controlled separately.)

Click the arrow again to collapse all the sublayers.

Sketches Badge

( (blue star) )

Pan/Zoom Frame

Drag or resize the frame within the thumbnail to pan and zoom on the page.

Delete Group

( (blue star) )

Click to delete markups for this Group layer all at once. (No one will see the markups after this.)

Sketches Badge

( (blue star) )

This icon displays if reviewer sketches exist on a sheet.

Page Lock/Unlock

( (blue star) / (blue star) )

Click to “lock” the page and prevent it from being replaced by a newer version in a future resubmittal. (This affects all reviewers.)

Hide/Show Group

( (blue star) / (blue star) )

Click the eye icon to hide markups for this Group layer from your current view. (Other users can still view the markups.)

Click the closed eye icon to display the Group’s markups once again.

Comment Count

These icons display if an “open” comment exists on a sheet. Comments are counted and displayed by Group using the group color.

Page/Sheet Number

Page number displays beneath the thumbnail. If sheet number is captured it will also display.

Hide/Show Layer

( (blue star) / (blue star) )

Click the eye icon to hide the entire layer from your current view. (Other users can still view the layer.)

Click the closed eye icon to display the layer once again.

Stamp Badge

( (blue star) )

This icon displays if a stamp exists on a sheet.
