3 Easy Steps for a Light Integration to EPR

3 Easy Steps for a Light Integration to EPR

This article describes the e-PlanREVIEW® (EPR) API methods needed to:

  1. create a project

  2. send documents requiring plan review

  3. return deliverables

These 3 steps are the only requirements needed to start an integration with EPR to get files into EPR and have it ready for plan review. We are more than happy to help with integration, so please feel free to contact us at engineers@eplansoft.com.

For more information, see OverviewManaging List Types and List ItemsOverview and  Add a Project record.


Obtain a login token (see Accessing EPR's API and Documentation)

Step-by-step guide

Call these methods in sequence to create a new project data record, project contact(s), address and project team member record(s):






Start by getting a token for all subsequent API calls.

partner_name: string
username: string
password: string

*Obtain the 3 parameters from our integration support team


Project number must be unique. 
Once the project has been created, the selected Purpose (For Permitting or For Design Review) may not be changed.

Pass your project's ID (PK/GUID) to the 'vendor_id' field. (Required)

*Vendor_ID accepts a numeric or string (50 chars). Vendor_id's must be unique in the projects table.


Contact's email address must be unique.
Use the ID returned to call POST/projectPersons


Set isPrimary = true if this individual should receive emails regarding project 'deliverables'. At least one 'primary' contact is recommended. Set isActive = true.


Either a street address or APN is required. 


Post a list of EPR users who will actively work on this project. Failure to include an EPR user in the project will prevent that individual from performing their tasks. 

Option: EPR can be configured to automatically create project team members if your application does not provide this functionality.


Uploads file, creates document data record, documentPages records, documentVersions records, documentPageVersions records, sets needsIntake flag to ‘True.’


Removes record from Intake page, updates needsIntake flag to ‘False’, displays document record on Project > Documents page.


Creates assignment records, displays records in Review page.

Best Practices

Field names ending in '_LIID' map to a listItem ID record. Provide either the ID value OR the KEY value. The KEY values will make your code more readable.
See GET/listTypes and GET/listItems

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