Follow these best practices to prepare standard comments for batch upload:
- Comments copied to the XLS/CSV template should be “Plain Text”.
- Bolding, italics, bullets, underlines and other formatting can be applied after the comment is uploaded. When pasting comments into Excel from your source document, right-click and choose to “Paste Values”. This pastes as ‘plain text’.Start by downloading this SampleStandardComment.csv
- Using Microsoft Excel add your standard comments to the sample SampleStandardComment.csv
- During upload, data mapping is based on the Row 1 labels. Do not rename the column headers.
- Export your standard comments as DOS comma separated values (csv)
- On Windows Excel "Save As" "CSV (MS-DOS)(*.csv)
- On Mac go to File > Save As... MS-DOS Comma Separted (.csv)
- On Windows Excel "Save As" "CSV (MS-DOS)(*.csv)
- Data that maps to any List Type is validated by the list item Label or Abbreviation as shown in the screen shot below.
- For each comment record being uploaded, provide either the entire item label or the entire item abbreviation to populate these columns in the spreadsheet.
Click here to download the CSV template for comments
Uploading to the Comments Library