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This article provides instructions for utilizing EPR's Connect RESTful API to integrate external applications to eplansoft REVIEW

For additional information, we recommend various options, please see Project Management for Standalone and Integrated Environments.


  • A user account with administrator privileges for an EPR website.
  • Login to the EPR domain as a user with administrator privileges. EPR API credentials to obtain a token to be use with API calls
  • See Completing the Partners page for managing the incoming API credentials.


In this article


Table of Contents

Opening the EPR Schema

  1. Login to the EPR domain as a user with administrator privileges. 
  2. Modify the URL as follows: https://[domainName]

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Accessing the Connect API for partner integration via Swagger

  1. Login to the EPR domain as a user with administrator privileges. 
  2. Modify the URL as follows: https://[domainName]

The Partner API page will load, as shown below:

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  1. Checkout the image below to see how to get to the API documentation

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Download EPR's Postman collection API


Sample API Usage Tutorial


Obtaining a Token, the POST/Login Method


See Completing the Partners page for managing the incoming API credentials.

Obtain a token as an Administrator to call Connect API methods.

  1. Provide the partner name, username and password as configured on the EPR Environment/Partners page.
    1. 'Name' = the company name of the integrated application (Accela, CSDC, MaintStar, BSA, MitchellHumphrey, etc.)
  2. Do not provide a value in the email.


  "name": "Accela",
  "username": "administrator",
  "password": "*************"

Obtain a token for an EPR user (SSO)

  1. Provide the partner name, username and password as configured on the EPR Environment/Partners page.

  2. Provide the user's email address to obtain a token for the user. The user's account must be 'active'.
    1. Use this option to login an EPR user using single-sign-on. The user's permissions are then obtained, based on their 'user role'.
    2. The user can then be 'navigated' to the Assignments page, the Review Page, the Project Intake or Project Deliverables page, etc simply passing the token via url. For example to go to projects page!/projects?token=8305da9b9c7b4b6a333e9123353a038ec5c7e4ad347e9e36.



Tokens expire after 3 hours of inactivity


Next Steps:

Creating a new Project

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