This article describes how to utilize the PDF Scout inspector to analyze incoming plan review documents to eplansoft REVIEW (EPR).
All public facing portals/customer portals should implement calls to Scout to evaluate whether plan review documents are acceptable.
How it works
Incoming plan review documents are uploaded to a temporary location on the eplansoft AWS server. Scout performs a 'read analysis' to identify known issues that will prevent EPR from accepting the document for plan review.
Once the Scout inspection finishes, a json response is returned and the documents are deleted from AWS.
Best Practices
EPR will not accept plan review documents rejected by Scout.
All plan review documents must be submitted in PDF format.
- See: Scout PDF Inspector
Step-by-step guide
To inspect a .PDF file using Scout APIs, follow these steps:
Get a token.
Obtain the credentials from the EPR Environment/Partners page. See Accessing the Connect API for partner integration via Swagger
- Get an upload url
- Upload file using the url from step 2
- Call Scout to get the json result.
Step 1. Get a token
Request Body format:
{ "username": "admin_username", "password": "admin_password" }
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVwbGFuYWRtaW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1MjU0NDk2MDcsImV4cCI6MTUyNTQ1MzIwN30.5uRl1WIjpGwJaA-qVbnYI_wenzKl0bRy6RPuvp2WUzo" }
Step 2. Get an Upload Url
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "message": "Use the method and url to upload file to Scout server.", "data": { "method": "PUT", "url": "", "contentType": "application/pdf", "filename": "sample.pdf", "filePath": "1525449678912sample.pdf" } }
Step 3. Upload file to Scout Server
PUT [url_from_last_step]
Note: You must upload file using the PUT method.
Step 4. Call Scout api to get the result
Request Body format:
{ "filePath": "filePath from step 2 response body" }
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "filename": "1525449678912sample.pdf", "filesize": 73121, "numPages": 1, "outlines": null, "results": [ { "key": "accessible", "success": true, "value": null }, { "key": "version", "success": true, "value": "1.7" }, { "key": "size", "success": true, "value": "0.07MB" }, { "key": "rotation", "success": true, "value": null }, { "key": "pageAccess", "success": true, "value": null }, { "key": "annotation", "success": true, "value": null }, { "key": "resolution", "success": true, "value": null } ], "pages": [ { "pageNumber": 1, "dimension": { "pageNumber": 1, "mediaBox": [ 0, 0, 1728, 1296 ], "rotate": 0, "orientation": "Landscape", "width": 1728, "height": 1296 }, "pageAccess": { "value": null, "errMessage": null, "debugData": null }, "annotation": { "value": null, "errMessage": null, "debugData": null }, "resolution": { "value": null, "errMessage": null, "debugData": null } } ], "pageDimensions": { "1": { "pageNumber": 1, "mediaBox": [ 0, 0, 1728, 1296 ], "rotate": 0, "orientation": "Landscape", "width": 1728, "height": 1296 } }, "author": "", "version": 1.7, "isPassed": true } }
Determining the Results
Check "isPassed" value in the response body to see if the file passes Scout.
Best Practices
Documents rejected by Scout should be rejected in the public facing/customer portal.