Internal Users will access goPost™️ to view, process, and return applicants' project applications over time as well as communicate with applicants as needed.

Viewing Project Applications

There are two ways to view project applications in goPost - each tailored toward a slightly different need - so users are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits of each:

Dashboard View

The Dashboard page view gives Internal Users a quick overview of recent activity that may require their attention.

While applicants have a similar Dashboard view (which only shows their project applications), the Internal User has an expanded Dashboard view that shows applications created by every applicant in the portlet.


Staff can quickly review basic submittal information within the “INSTRUCTIONS” form at the top of the page or click on DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL RECOMMENDATIONS beneath it to view the much more detailed submittal instructions in a pop-up view.

If “Portal Hours and Submittal Limits” are configured by your agency, a “Submission Hours” table with hours of operation, holidays, and other information will also display on the far right of the INSTRUCTIONS form.

Beneath the instructions the remainder of the page is split into two tables: “PENDING PROJECTS” and “RECENT PROJECTS.”

Pending Projects

The PENDING PROJECTS table exclusively lists project applications that have been recently submitted by applicants and requiring processing.

These applications require staff to open the records and perform an intake completeness check (include hyperlink) to determine if they are ready to be accepted for plan review or if the application is somehow deficient.

If the project application is either incomplete or incorrect, Internal User must communicate this back to the applicant to ensure the application is properly completed.

These project applications all have a status of either “Pending” or “Pending Link” because applicants believe they are ready to be viewed and processed by agency staff.

Navigating Pending Projects

Scroll down the table to view a list of pending application records, listed from newest to oldest.

To open a project application record click on project Number, Name, or on the vertical 3-dot button to the right of the record. The 3-dot button will open a menu that provides multiple options:

Project applications records that have been deleted will no longer be accessible in goPost.

The bottom of the Pending Projects table includes two types of controls:

Recent Projects

The RECENT PROJECTS table lists project applications that have been updated in any way within the last ninety (90) days. These project applications may have had recently updated application details, recent status changes, or had recent communications added by either the applicant or agency staff. (In some cases, these project applications are also listed in the PENDING PROJECTS table as well.)

Staff can open these project application records to view them as needed any time, though since they may be at different stages of processing, a completeness check may not be required.

Once project applications have been in goPost without any updates for more than 90 days, they will stop showing up in this table. To view projects older than 90 days, refer to the PROJECTS page.

Navigating Recent Projects

Scroll down the table to view a list of project application records updated within the last 90 days, listed from most recent to oldest.

To open a project application record click on project Number, Name, or on the vertical 3-dot button to the right of the record and then click Edit.

The bottom of the Pending Projects table includes two types of controls:

Projects View

The Projects page view gives Internal Users a thorough and extensive view of every project application within goPost.

While applicants have a similar Project view (which only shows them their project applications), the Internal User has an expanded Project view that shows project applications created by every applicant in the portlet.

Navigating the Projects Table

Users can either scroll through the table to view the list of existing applications (from newest to oldest record) or use the search options at the top of the page to look for a particular project application.

While project application records are listed in a single large table, the list is broken up into multiple pages as needed.

The bottom of the table includes three types of controls:

Project applications records that have been deleted will no longer be accessible in goPost.

Configuring the Projects Table

The Project Table displays recommended project information columns - as well as one dedicated navigation column - by default.


Additional columns are available to display, though as a best practice, goPost limits the number of project information columns which can be displayed in the table at one time to nine (9) so that information remains readable under most scenarios. The “Project Number” and “Project Name” columns are required to display, but beyond that, agency staff can choose which seven other columns to display from the available options.


To remove a column so that it no longer displays:

  1. Click on Column Filter at the top right of the page. A form will pop-up asking you to set which columns to display.

  2. Uncheck the box next to the value on the list.

  3. Click Save.

To add a column so that it displays:

  1. Click on Column Filter at the top right of the page. A form will pop-up asking you to set which columns to display.

  2. Make sure you do not have the maximum number of columns already selected.

  3. Check the box next to the value on the list.

  4. Click Save.

To undo all changes and restore the list to the default choices, click on Reset at the bottom of the form.

Only the project values listed within the Column Filter table can be displayed in the Project Table.

Exporting A Project List

If necessary, staff can export the project list from goPost as a CSV spreadsheet by clicking the Export Project button at the top of the page.

The CSV export will include some basic project application information from the table but is not intended to provided in depth detail regarding the application content. For that, open the project application record and tab through the available information.

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