This article describes how a user uploads the next submittal/next version of a document to goPost Public Portal (goPost).

This process typically occurs after plan reviews have been completed for a prior submittal and returned to the applicant for corrections. 


Plan reviews on a prior submittal have been completed and corrected documents are being requested.  See Downloading a Deliverables package

In this article:

Step 1: Locate the document flagged for Corrections required.

  1. Open the project record and navigate to the DOCUMENTS page.
  2. Find the document flagged with the red warning icon and click on the down arrow to expand the panel.

Step 2: Select the UPLOAD VERSION button.

  1.  Browse/select to the newer document version.
  2.  The PDF Scout Inspection Tool will process the incoming file.
    1. The UPLOAD NEW VERSION window will display a green checkmark if the document is acceptable. Select FINISH.
    2. If the document fails inspection, make the requested changes and try again. See Preparing your Documents - SUBMITTAL RECOMMENDATIONS

Be sure to associate the new document version to the prior version properly.
The page order and number of pages in each version should match exactly.

Step 3: Verify and submit the document version

  1. Verify that the new submittal is properly associated to the prior submittal.
  2. Repeat this process for each document flagged for correction/resubmittal.
  3. Select the SUBMIT button at the top of the page.

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