For the best experience using e-PlanREVIEW® (EPR), up-to-date Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers are strongly recommended as some features may not be fully supported in other browsers.

Minimum Workstation Requirements

Users should follow these hardware workstation requirements at a minimum to ensure the best user experience.

High End Workstations

For users considering a purchase of high-end/gaming machines, we recommend: 

To reduce eye strain, we recommend monitors have the same size and resolution.

Workstation Operating Systems

Our product is not OS dependent and will run on any system capable of running a supported browser. However, we test and confirm the following operating systems are supported:

Supported Browsers

e-PlanREVIEW is for workstations running the latest available version of current browsers. Below is a list of browsers explicitly tested and confirmed as functioning well.

Other browsers may support some but not all features of EPR so are not guaranteed to have the same level of user experience. Please contact the e-PlanSoft team if you have questions about browser support.

Minimum Bandwidth Requirements

A minimum 10mb download and 1mb upload is recommended for running EPR.

Viewing and Downloading PDF Documents Locally

When a user opens or downloads a PDF file to view it will open using the configured PDF file viewer, whether that is a built-in browser pdf viewer or an installed desktop pdf viewer. Often, built-in browser pdf viewers (and even some basic desktop pdf viewers) have limited features which may not display all markups and stamps that were placed on a pdf file in e-PlanREVIEW (EPR). This is a limitation with the browser's pdf software, not a result of any limitation with EPR itself.

For this reason, we recommend staff use the free-to-download and install Adobe PDF Reader and update their default browser behavior to use this viewer (this may require changing the browser behavior to download PDF documents locally rather than viewing them directly within a web page).

See this link for instructions on changing the default behavior for PDF documents:

Depending on Agency policy, users may need to consult with their IT Department to make these changes on their workstation.

Client Firewall Requirements

Each workstation must be able to make outgoing calls on port 443 (HTTPS) to the product application server(s) gateway. This gateway, depending on your server configuration, may be on your local intranet or the internet. In most organizations, no special configuration is needed to support port 443.

Our application listens on port 80 (HTTP), but immediately redirects all traffic to port 443, for user convenience. If you wish to maintain this convenience, you’ll need to allow port 80 as well. The system will not respond to any requests on port 80 other than with a 301 redirect.