Partner Name: Enter the Partner Name as provided by e-PlanSoft. This is a defined format that will need to be adhered to for proper functionality.
Ensure Partner is Active: Toggle to the 'on' position.
Incoming API Integration: For the Partner's system to access EPR.
Client/Agency: Enter the Client/Agency that will be using the integration. For developmental environments, utilize the connecting software name as a placeholder.
Username: Defined here, it is recommended to use qa, uat, or prod suffix for easy distinction.
Password: Defined at the time of saving, any password entered in this field will be the incoming password used for Partner Token generation.
Outgoing API Integration: Provide the administrator-level user credentials from the Partner's system. These credentials should have administrative-level access and must match those configured in the Partner’s system.
Endpoint URL without a trailing '/'. For example, 'https://eplansoft.com'.
Retry Attempts: Set between 1 and 5, which defines the number of login attempts before timing out (default is 3).
Timeout (ms): Set a timeout in milliseconds to define the pause between connection attempts (default is 500 ms).