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Release 2.22.0 Enhancements
November 14, 2024
Info |
Continued in this release, users may notice several UI/UX changes resulting from updates to improve compliance with Federal ADA Standards. |
Component | Feature | Description |
Corrections Report | Image Overflow for .docx Reports | Comment images larger than 800 pixels wide will automatically get resized to fit within the exported Word document's page dimensions. |
Review Page - Quick Comments | Quick Comment Notification Pop-ups | Help text has been added to inform users that some comments will not appear on the Quick Comment Toolbar if the project and comment purpose differ. |
Personal Lists/Comments | User Interface Updates | User interface updates were made to the User Profile COMMENT LIST and Insert Standard Comment modal. In the Insert Standard Comments modal, the filters and comment details were reordered to match the order from the User Profile. |
Custom Project Fields | New Custom Project Field User Interface Updates | User interface updates were made to the Add New Custom Project Field modal under Settings/Configuration/CustomFields/Fields: |
Notifications | Due Date Updated | Users can subscribe to receive a notification when an Assignment's Due Date has been updated. |
Review Page - Thumbnail Panel | Pan and Zoom on Thumbnails | A new option has been added within the Workspace Preferences menu (click on the menu, then click Preferences) to enable or disable a frame overlay on the active thumbnail. This frame on the thumbnail allows users to pan and zoom on the page from within the Thumbnail Panel, in addition to current pan and zoom for the document page being viewed within the Review Window. Resize the frame to adjust the zoom level by clicking and dragging the bottom-right corner. |
Security | Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) | Administrators can enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) under Settings/Security/Multi Factor Authentication to enhance security and provide compliance with data protection regulations. Once enabled, users can choose how to authenticate from a new Security modal available in the User Menu. "Email One-Time Password" is the default authentication method. Users will be prompted to enter their one-time password (OTP) at login or use an authenticator app. |
Review Page | Quick Comment Toolbar | A quick comment toolbar can be created and moved about the Review Page's Review Window for quick access to your favorite standard comments.
Your Quick Comment Toolbar can then be moved to any position within the Review Window and saved using SAVE WORKSPACE. |
Custom Project Fields | Map Custom Fields from goPost to EPR | Custom Fields created in goPost now map to EPR and get pulled in with other project data. |
Email Templates | Update Comment Response Notification Template | The "Comment Response - Comment Response" email notification template has been updated to improve communication when a user has replied to a comment. The email notification now includes the "Original Comment" and the "Comment Response" within the body of the email notification. |
Column Filters | Updated Date Column | A new column to visibly track the date a project was last updated has been added as an available column to display in the "Projects Awaiting Intake" Dashboard table. Open the COLUMN FILTER configuration window to display the "Updated Date" column. |
Comments | Dynamic Standard Comment Filtering | When inserting standard comments, dynamic filtering allows users to select an option from one filter list which will immediately update all other filter lists to display options that are compatible with the selected option. As always, filters are dependent on existing data within a standard comment. |
Configurations | Remove List Type Display Name | The List Type Display Name field has been removed from the user interface along with its Save button. While the Display Name field was previously editable and could be saved, the application of the saved changes throughout EPR was a feature that got disabled in an earlier release. |
System | Ability to Clear Application Cache in EPR | Users can conveniently clear their application cache directly from the interface, eliminating the necessity to switch between different tools or environments. |
Projects | Show Deleted Project Documents | Users can now view a list of documents that have been deleted within a project. From within a project, open the project menu and select See Deleted Documents. A full list of the project's deleted documents is viewable with relevant information as well as the option to download a copy of a deleted document. |
Comments | Import Comments to a Project | Project comments can be created in bulk by importing from a spreadsheet. Click the Batch Import button and select a local .xlsx or .csv file with your comments. Note that the system will validate the spreadsheet to ensure comments are correctly formatted and there are no missing required fields. You can follow the same instructions for bulk importing standard comments to the comment library here. Upon successful import, a confirmation message will be displayed. |
Markups | Color Picker Hex Value | When Group Color Restrictions are not applied, users can choose the color of their markups. To reduce inconsistencies in markups and allow users to work with predefined colors, a hex value field has been added to the color picker. This will help users select a precise color on the color spectrum when the default group color is not needed. A user's default markup color will remain as the color of the group being represented in the Review Page and saving the workspace settings does not override the default markup color on the toolbar. |
Sheet Numbers Tab | Designating an OCR Area | Users can define a custom area on a sheet for OCR to analyze and re-run a sheet number check, for individual pages or an entire document, when sheet numbers are missing. For individual pages, users can click the Magnifying Glass button to define/redefine the page-specific OCR area. Move and/or resize the defined OCR area and click CHECK to re-run a sheet number check. The sheet number should populate in the "Detected Sheet Number" field. Click DONE to apply. For an entire document, users can click AUTOCOMPLETE. A new option to designate the OCR area across all pages of the document is available. Click DESIGNATE OCR AREA to define the document-wide OCR area. Move and/or resize the defined OCR area and click CHECK to re-run a sheet number check. The sheet number should populate in the "Detected Sheet Number" field. Click DONE to apply. All thumbnails should update with a sheet number or will display "oo" where a sheet number could not be found. |
Comment Report | Display Sort Option Labels | EPR Administrators can now configure two-column comment reports to display labels for the secondary and tertiary sort options. Toggle on Display on Report under the report template's Sort Options section to display the secondary and tertiary sort options alphabetically as subheadings below the primary sort label. |
Permissions | Access to Custom Labels Configuration | Permissions have been added to control access to the configuration page for custom labels. This permission is defaulted to only allow Admins access to view the Custom Labels configuration page and can be modified as needed. |
Comments | Empty Filter Option | When inserting standard comments, "Empty" can be applied as a filter option to display results that do not have specified field data. This applies to the filters 'Source', 'Category', 'Subcategory', and 'Review Type.' For example, if a standard comment doesn't have "Category" data, selecting Empty in the "Category" drop-down will return results for any comment that doesn't have a category defined. Additionally, when filtering project comments, "Empty" can be applied as a filter option to display results that do not have specified field data. This applies to the filters 'Impact', 'Review Type', 'Category', and 'Subcategory.' |
Comment Report | Include Impact Value in Exported Comment Reports | A comment's 'Impact' value is included in the excel export of the comments. |
Contacts | Update Contact Info Displayed | The Contacts section of the Project DETAILS tab has been updated to include the "Phone Number" column. |
Projects | Required Field Indication | The sub-section headers under the Project DETAILS tab will display an asterisk (*) to identify the presence of a missing required field(s) within the sub-section. |
Scout | Scout Results UI/UX | UI/UX enhancements have been made to the Scout Results to indicate a warning for PDFs that are outdated and require a newer version. |
Comments | Persist Comment Filters | While searching for a standard comment from the Project Comments' Insert Standard Comment modal, the user's filter will be persisted to the next search. |
Review Page Configuration | Review Page Compliance Footer | Provided a configurable footer message for screen readers to understand that the Review Page may not have alternative text available for some content. This configuration can be found under Settings/Configuration/Review Page. |
Shared License | Logout Request Countdown Clock | When another person attempts to log out a Shared License user they will now receive a notification that includes a clock that will count down to the action being executed. This allows the user being logged out sufficient time to save their work or contest the logout if necessary. [ image coming ] |
2.22.0 Bug Fixes
Component | Issue | Description |
User | New Requested Account Not Displaying | Fixed an issue where user accounts created/requested from the login page were not showing in the User list as inactive users. |
Corrections Reports | Missing Page Number and Sheet Number in Corrections Report | Resolved an issue where page numbers and sheet numbers were not printing on generated corrections reports. |
Review Page | Measurement Label Persists After Deleting Markup | Fixed an issue where measurement labels that are turned on for sketches don't get removed after deleting the markup. |
API Calls | Incorrect Status Being Returned to Integrated Partners | Fixed an issue where the wrong project status was getting returned to integrated partners. |
Document Linking | Documents not Linking Between Submittals | Resolved an issue where files resubmitted as new versions were not correctly linked to their previous version, resulting in users unknowingly pushing files through as first submittals. |
Review Page Toolbar | Save Page Rotation Tool not Working | Fixed an issue where the Save Page Rotation tool fails to save a page's rotation immediately after the successful save of another. |
Comments | Duplicated Comments with Same Comment Number | Resolved an issue where review page comments were automatically being duplicated and given the exact same comment number. |
Comments | Auto-enable Comment Responses not Working | Fixed an issue where the "Auto-enable responses on new comments" configuration is not working. |
Document Rendering | Missing Objects in PDF | Resolved an issue where objects in the PDF were hidden or removed when the document is rendered. |
Comments | Incorrect URL Saved for Comment Images | Fixed an issue where users couldn't view correct comment images from the printed PDF due to the wrong URL for the image being saved. |
Corrections Reports | Sheet Numbers Comment Option not Displaying on Corrections Reports | Fixed an issue where the sheet number location of a review page comment was not displaying on the corrections report. |
Automated Distributions | Distribution Assignment's Days Configuration is Inaccessible | Resolved an issue where the Days field was not accessible within a new or existing distribution due to spacing. |
Corrections Reports | Comment Impact Values Missing from Exported Comments Report | Fixed an issue where comments with an Impact value are missing that value in the "Impact" column of the Export Comment Report spreadsheet. |
Sheet Numbers Tab | Inconsistent Sheet Number Thumbnails | Fixed an issue where the sheet number thumbnails displayed in the REORDER PAGES window were showing an older format which made it hard to see the sheet numbers. |
Comments | Default Font Size Too Small | Resolved an issue where the default font size for comments was too small. |
Custom Stamp | Distorted Aggregate Stamp | Fixed an issue where aggregate stamps appeared cut off when printed. |
Comments | Missing Comments and Comment Text Duplication | Fixed an issue where some review page comments are not printing on the deliverable document and, in some cases, the comment text was being duplicated. |
Comments Library | Broken User Interface when Adding a Standard Comment | Fixed an issue where the user interface would break when adding a new standard comment to the Comments Library. |
User Profile | Assign Group Modal Title Padding | Fixed an issue where there was inadequate spacing around the title of the Assign Group modal when adding a Group to a User Profile. |
Document Upload | Resubmittals not Showing All Pages | Fixed an issue where some resubmittals were not showing all pages when the page count is incorrectly stored. |
Users | User Modal not Displaying Title | Resolved an issue where the modal title was blank when creating/editing a User. |
Lists | List Type Modal not Displaying Title | Resolved an issue where the modal title was blank when creating/editing a List Type value. |
Groups | Group Modal not Displaying Title | Resolved an issue where the modal title was blank when creating/editing a Group. |
Accessibility Compliance | Button Status not Reflected | Fixed an issue where the expanded/collapsed status of buttons in the navigation panel were not accurately being conveyed to users with disabilities. |
Users | Inactive Users List is not Displaying Accurately | Fixed an issue where the inactive users list was blank or not diplaying all user accounts. |
Comments Library | Warning Message not Triggered When Overwriting Existing Standard Comment | Resolved an issue where a warning message was not displaying when attempting to overwrite an existing standard comment. |
Custom Stamp | Multi-Field Stamp Drop-down Field not Displaying Options | Fixed an issue where configured field options are not available to select on drop-down fields within the multi-field custom stamp. |
Reports | No Results Found when Generating Reports with Applied Parameters | Fixed an issue where reports could not be downloaded after applying a filter. |
Contacts | Contact Records Fail to Save Active/Inactive Status | Fixed an issue where toggling a Contact record to inactive does not save. |
Document Rendering | Sheet Rendering Issues | Fixed an issue where document pages were not rendering. |
Comments | Incorrect Group Assignment | Fixed an issue where review page comments were showing they belonged to a different Group than the one that originally created the comment. |
Corrections Reports | Report Preview Image Display Issues | Fixed an issue where the preview shown during the creation of a corrections report would display images that expanded beyond the page width. |
Custom Fields | Large Text Fields Cannot Be Disabled | Resolved an issue where read only large text custom fields were able to be edited. |
Permissions | Permission Cache not Updating After Removing/Adding a Project Team Member | Resolved an issue where removing or adding a team member to a project wasn't updating stored permissions in the database. |
Comments | Modal does not Recognize New Entry After Quickly Saving | Fixed an issue where new comments or comment responses that were saved too quickly after entering new text resulted in the most recent changes being lost. |
Project Details Tab | Can't See Full List of Available Project Managers | Fixed an issue where the Project Manger drop-down under the Project DETAILS tab wasn't displaying all available users with the Project Manger User Role. |
Component | Feature | Description |
Project Details Tab | Custom Fields Section | Custom Fields are designed to enhance flexibility and adaptability in project management, specifically catering to unique data requirements not covered by default system configurations. This feature is particularly beneficial for projects with specialized needs, such as Permitting projects, where standard data fields may not adequately capture all necessary information. By allowing administrators to create and manage custom fields, the application empowers project managers and teams to tailor data management to their specific project requirements. This customization ensures a more organized, relevant, and efficient handling of project data, leading to better project tracking, reporting, and overall management. |
Custom Fields | Custom Fields Configuration | Custom Fields can only be configured by an administrator under Configuration/Custom Fields as follows: Field Groups Custom Field Groups serve as a section header to categorize custom fields. Choose a Purpose, then add a new Custom Field Group by clicking the + button. Project Type Mapping Custom Field Groups can be associated with various Project Types to ensure the right custom fields are available on the appropriate projects. Choose a Purpose and Project Type, then add any of the active Custom Field Groups that you wish to be visible under the "Custom Fields" section of the Project DETAILS tab. Fields Custom Fields are used to gather specific project information where standard data fields may not adequately capture all necessary information. Choose a Custom Field Group, then add a new Custom Field by clicking the + button. Field Groups Permissions Edit the Custom Field Groups Permissions as needed to ensure the appropriate User Roles have access to view the Custom Fields within projects. By default, only Administrators can see the Custom Fields once they have been created. Select a User Role from the drop-down and toggle the visibility by editing the Custom Field Groups. |
Review Page - Toolbar | Radius Tool Calculation Updates | When using the Radius calculation tool, a radial line segment and the measured radius are now displayed during the measurement. The radius calculation is also editable from the Markup Detail window by updating each value (exclude the feet and inch tick marks) for the calculated feet and inches one at a time. For example, a radius calculation of 50' 6.00" is updated by changing 50 to 55 or by changing 6.00 to 6.25. |
ReviewSESSION | Added a Custom Message Field in the Invitation | Added a text field in the ReviewSESSION invitation window to enter a custom message to be included in the email notification. |
Scout Configuration Page | Ability to Edit Inspection Parameters | Updated the Scout Configuration page to allow users to edit some inspection parameters, e.g., Page Count and File Size. |
Notifications | Assignment Due Date Notification | A new Document Assignment notification option is available for users to subscribe to from their User Profile. The Due Date Reminder notification can be selected to receive an email reminder that an assigned due date is approaching. The reminder can be set to occur between one and 7 days before the Assignment is due. *This notification only works when a Due Date has been set on an Assignment. |
User Profile | Create Personal Favorites Lists | Users can now create their own personal comments lists from the new COMMENTS LIST tab under their User Profiles. By default, each user is given a "Favorites" list to manage as well as an option to create as many personalized lists as desired.
Comments | Add to Personal Favorites Lists | While searching for a standard comment from a comment's Insert Standard Comment modal, users can add comments to their Personal Favorites Lists. |
Comments | Personal Favorites List Filter | While searching for a standard comment from a comment's Insert Standard Comment modal, users can filter by their personal favorites lists. |
Comments Library | Option to Overwrite Existing Standard Comments | In addition to being able to download any existing standard comments from the Library, users now may reupload the downloaded comments to perform a bulk update to a set of comments. |
Document Render | Rerun OCR During Re-Render Process | When a user re-renders a document, the process will now trigger the OCR and Sheet Numbering process to rerun as well. Rerunning the OCR and Sheet Numbering process will only attempt to recapture sheet numbers that were left blank. |
Comments | Comment Modal Resize | Added the ability for the Comment window to be resized while open in the Review Page. Click and drag the bottom right corner of the window to resize. |
Comments | Persist Comment Filters | While searching for a standard comment from a comment's Insert Standard Comment modal, the users filters will be persisted to the next search. |
Comments | Move/Drag Insert Standard Comment Modal | While selecting a standard comment from a comment's Insert Standard Comment modal, users can now move/drag the Insert Standard Comment modal around the page, allowing for better visibility of the planset or comments list behind it. |
Assignments Page Column Filter | Update the Columns to Display UI/UX | The Assignments page Column Filter configuration has been updated with a new UI/UX to make it easier to personalize a users preferred page view. The Columns to Display modal now allows for multiple columns to be moved at the same time between what is available and what is displayed. Additionally, the order in which the columns are displayed can be edited. Click and drag any column to re-order. When finished, click SAVE. |
Review Page - Save Workspace | Persist PDF Text Search Feature | The PDF Text Search feature is now included as Review Page setting that can be persisted after clicking Save Workspace. |
PDF Text Search Configuration Page | PDF Text Search Configuration Page Updates | The Rendering configuration page was renamed to "PDF Text Search" within the Settings. |
Shared License | Ability to Manage Logged-In Users | Administrators of an EPR instance with Shared Licenses can now see the current Shared License user(s) logged in from the Environment/License page in the Settings. In addition, administrators can force logout users as needed. The user being forced to logout will receive a message stating they are being to be logged out and will have 30 seconds to respond to stop the logout. A message will then display to the administrator indicating whether the force logout was successful or not. |
Dashboard | Dashboard Configuration Settings | Updated the Dashboard Configuration Settings window. |
Corrections Report | Comment Options Comment Disposition Configuration | Comment Disposition has been added as a Comment Option in Comments Report Templates. When selected, comments will display the status of the comment. |
Component | Feature | Description |
Review Page Markups | Copy/Paste Markups | Based on a user's existing Review Page edit permissions, all markups except for stamps can now be copied using the keyboard shortcut Control + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac). Markups can be pasted to any document page using the keyboard shortcut Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac). Pasted markups are offset by 10 pixels vertically and 10 pixels horizontally by default. Control + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (Mac) can be used to undo a pasted or deleted markup. |
Review Page Markups | Double-Click to Reposition Comments & Stamps | Double-click on a placed comment or stamp to activate the reposition function. Choose a new position on the same document page and single-click to place the selected comment or stamp. (Previous options for moving comments and stamps are still available.) |
Review Page Comments | Move Comments | Added the ability to move a selected comment from one page to another. Cut/Copy the comment by clicking Control + X (Windows) or Command + X (Mac). Paste the comment onto a different page by clicking Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac). The pasted comment is offset from the position of the original comment by 10 pixels vertically and 10 pixels horizontally. If a user pastes the comment to the same page of the document, it will be treated as a copied comment instead of a moved comment. |
Email Notifications | New Email Notifications for Comments | Users who subscribe to the "Comment - Allow Response" notification under their user profile are now able to receive additional email notifications. The following scenarios will trigger new email notifications:
Stamp Management | Update Field Name | The "Template Name" field within Custom Stamp Templates has been renamed to "Stamp Name". |
Custom Stamp Template | Address/Firm Toggles | The Address and/or Firm can be toggled on or off by administrators (in the custom stamp configuration) as well as by the user (right before placing the custom stamp). |
Custom Stamp Template | Multi-Field Stamp Template | Administrators can create up to 12 custom fields on a custom stamp. Each custom field has a fixed text size with a 30-character limit and is created as one of four different Field Types: a text field, a dropdown, a checkbox, or a date. The custom field formatting is preconfigured to display up to 6 fields per column with up to 2 columns (for 12 fields maximum). Users can manage which custom fields are visible and can edit the Field Label and Field Value of each custom field prior to placing the custom stamp. |
Comment Report | Export Comment Report as a Word Document | Comment Reports can now be generated as a Word document (.docx) in addition to PDF. Select your preferred file format next to the filename of your comment report prior to creating it. |
Thumbnail Panel | Popout Window Navigation Updates | The Thumbnail Panel's popout window now has:
Review Page Header | Menu Navigation | Quick access options are now available for Assignments and Attachments from the Header's Menu on the Review Page. Clicking on either option will navigate the user to the corresponding project tab. Hovering over either option will open a submenu with additional information. The Assignments option displays three (3) additional navigation options:
Clicking on any other assignment will reload the Review Page and load the selected assignment. The Attachments option displays all the project's supporting documents. Depending on the user's browser settings, clicking on an attachment will either download or open in a new browser tab. |
Comment Report | Expanded Report Naming Options | Updated the comment report template to provide users with more choices of information to include in the report name. The full list of choices now includes Project Number, Project Name, Project id, Review Type, Comment Group Label, Date & Time, and Template Title (new options in bold). Administrators can select up to five (5) filename options total and preview a "Sample File Name" before committing to the selections. Existing comment report filename configurations will be persisted automatically. |
Dashboard | Improved Loading Times for Dashboard Graphs | For agencies with large amounts of data, updates were made to the Dashboard to improve loading times. |
Dashboard | My Assignments by Due Date Graph Update | Changes were made to the Dashboard graph "My Assignments by Due Date" to improve the queried results displayed. It will now display assignments with an Assignment Status associated to parent items Active or Not Started and only from Projects in the Open Project Status. The graph was also renamed to "My Open Assignments by Due Date". |
Sheet Number Tab | Improved OCR Performance | Changes were made to improve the optical character recognition (OCR) performance. As a result, the images that are displayed when users toggle Show Sheet Number or use the Reorder Pages feature is now wider and shorter. . |
Component | Feature | Description | ||||||
Review Page | Make Scroll Bar More Noticeable | The look of the scroll bar on the Review page thumbnail panel has been updated to it is easier for users to identify. | ||||||
Comment Report | Allow for Carriage Returns in Single-Column Report Instructions Field | Admins can now write comment report instructions that include carriage returns (line spacing) in the "single column" report, as shown below.
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Contributors | Contributor Role Comments Page Enhancements | Users with the Contributor role can now export comments in XLS format from the Project Comments page using the "Export Comment" feature. Contributors can now use the "Response Enabled" and "Comment Responses" filters in the Project Comments page. | ||||||
Project Comments | Add Filter for Project-Level Comments | The comment filters on the Project Comments tab now include an option for selecting 'Project-Level' comments (these are comments added from the Project Comments page itself and not tied to any particular document) under the Documents filter. Using this new option, users can select a mix of both document-specific and project-level comments to include in a single comment report letter. | ||||||
Review Page | Page Numbering on Review Page | Thumbnails on the Review page now display page number in addition to the sheet number whenever a sheet number is identified so that users can more easily understand where the page is found within the document. | ||||||
Stamps | Prevent Stamps from Transferring Automatically from One Submittal to Another (Phase I) | The Settings > Configuration > Stamps page now allows Admins to configure whether to allow stamps to carry over/transfer automatically from a previous submittal over to the resubmittal (this is the current, default behavior) or to change the behavior to prevent stamps from transferring over to the resubmittal. This is a global setting that will apply to all projects. | ||||||
Page Locking | Indicate which pages have been locked down in the Review Page. | When a page is locked down (to prevent it from being replaced by a newer version of the same page), a new lock icon will be displayed beneath the thumbnail on the Review page to indicate the page is locked. Users can now 'unlock' a page by clicking on new lock icon; the icon then changes to an unlocked icon, as shown below.
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Stamps | Custom Stamp Tool | EPR now allows Admins to create custom stamps from scratch directly within the Settings > Configuration > Stamps page. An Admin can name their template, then configure the (1) stamp title to display, (2) status value, (3) text content, (4) firm and address information, and (5) stamp color to use for the border and status label. Once saved, this new stamp can be assigned to one or more users who can access it from the Review page stamp tool.
Users with access to a custom stamp on the Review page will be able to select it and, before applying it to the page, can modify the date and content/text in real time before placing it on a page or pages. | ||||||
Partial Submittal | Update Sheet Numbers Page to Use "Partial Submittal" Terminology | Updated the Sheet Numbers page to refer to the "Partial Submittal" configuration using the correct terminology. This replaces the previously inaccurate "Slipsheet" term usage. |
Component | Issue | Description | ||||||
Standard Comments | Batch Inserting More than 20 Standard Comments Unsuccessful | Resolved an issue where attempting to insert more than 20 standard comments at a time from the Project Comments tab was failing. Users can once again insert as many standard comments as needed using the batch function. | ||||||
Project Comments | Error When Selecting the Comment filter With or Without Responses | Fixed an issue where selecting any of the "Comment Responses" filter options on the Project Comments tab was returning an error unexpectedly. The filters can now be selected and return the correct results. | ||||||
Textbox Tool | Printing Issue: Text Box Tool Content Resizes | Resolved an issue where textbox tool text appeared significantly different in either size or shape on the deliverable PDF file when compared to how it looked on the EPR Review page. Text should now be more consistent in size and shape, even when inserting larger amounts of text.
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Overlay Tool | Overlay Window Thumbnail Does Not Match Sheet Number/Page Ref | Resolved an issue where the Overlay tool's "Comparison View" window did not always update the displayed thumbnail properly when a user clicked to view the next documetn page. | ||||||
Move Tool | Markups "Move" Button Not Working | Fixed an issue where the Markups Move button was not triggering the move modal form to display as expected. | ||||||
Comments | Inactive Comment List items Show Up in Dropdown Lists and UI Pages | Resolved an issue where list items marked as "Inactive" would still show as options on dropdown lists in Comment Library filters, Project Comment tab filters, and within the Standard Comment creation form. Inactive list items will no longer display in these locations. | ||||||
Assignments | Change Due Date in Project Assignments Tab to be Red Once It's past due | Fixed an issue where project assignment due dates which were past due (meaning the due date was before the current date), had stopped highlighting in red text as they had in the past. This 'red text highlight' effect has been restored. | ||||||
Session Expiration | EPR Timeout - Flashing Alert | Resolved an issue where, after a user session expired due to inactivity on the Review page, the pop-up message indicating "Session Expired" might flash repeatedly on screen instead of displaying once. | ||||||
Integration | Bug is Not Allowing Me to Lock Projects in goPost | Fixed an issue where EPR occasionally prevented a project in a connected goPost portal from being locked by staff (to prevent further file uploads). |
Component | Feature | Description |
Partial Intake/OCR | Partial Intake (slipsheet) Improvements | When Optical Character Recognition (OCR) fails perform a secondary text extraction from PDF data to pick out potential text candidates that could represent the sheet number. The secondary text extraction is automatically done if primary OCR fails. This should reduce OCR errors by as much as 40%. |
Sheet Numbers | Add Hidden and Visible Page Counts to Result Column in Sheet Numbers Page | On the project SHEET NUMBERS page, the Result column now shows the total page count, the hidden page count, and the visible page count. For example: 5 Pages (2 Hidden / 3 Visible) |
Sheet Numbers | Exclude Hidden Sheets from Document Page Mapping Export Data | After a sheet is hidden on the project SHEET NUMBERS page and the user clicks SAVE, the sheet will no longer be listed within the Document Page Mapping data export. |
Sheet Numbers | Add Submittal Date to Sheet Numbers Page | When multiple submittals exist for a document, the project SHEET NUMBERS tab will now display the date for each submittal shown on screen. |
Comments | Add New Comment Filter Options | The project COMMENTS page now allows users to filter for comments:
APIs | Provide API to check whether a project has comments with attachment | Integrated partners can now check via API method whether a project has comments that include file attachments, thus providing more comment information to 3rd party systems. |
Component | Issue | Description |
Review Page | Information Button Loads Empty Form | Resolved an issue where clicking on the Information |
Review Page | Comment Panel Filters on Review Page Display But Stop Filtering Results | Filters set in the review page comment panel will continue to filter results whenever a user switches from the current page to another page. |
Email Templates | Portions of Email Templates Page Load Above User Profile | Resolved an issue where parts of the CONFIGURATION > TEMPLATES page were displaying above the "Help?" pop up window. |
Standard Comments | Standard Comments Library Filters/Sort By Fields Do Not Display | Resolved an issue where users editing a previously saved comment who then clicked on Insert Standard Comment(s) button did not see the Filters and Sort By fields within the standard comments form as expected. |
Filters - Assignments | Assignment Page Status Filters Incorrectly | Filter settings on the global Assignments page were sometimes applied incorrectly, which resulted in more assignments displaying than expected. Assignments page will now filter properly. |
Project Status (goPost Users) | Updating Project Status in EPR Sometimes Results in Mismatched goPost Project Status | Resolved an issue where updating a project status in EPR did not always update the project status correctly for the linked goPost project. |
2.8.1 Bug Fixes
Summary | Description |
Fix Sheet Number page bugs | [For Agencies with the Partial Intake setting = “ON”]: Resolved an internal issue where some sheet numbers were being set to the incorrect document version. This sometimes resulted in pages being matched incorrectly across versions by EPR, but will no longer affect files moving forward. Any existing files affected should be reported to the e-PlanSoft team for resolution. |
Inject project data and user_id into assignment event log | In the EPR Event Log we have added Project and User identity data into the assignment events that are recorded to improve the system’s auditing capabilities. |
Create deliverables based on latest document page order | When a user sets their Review page order view preferences to "Order Page by Current Version" (see 2.8.0 Release Notes), EPR will also set the deliverable PDF print order to match. |
Release 2.5.3 Enhancements June 26, 2020
Summary | Description |
Refactor get user by ID api | Refactor of the API to not be affected by the number of projects a user is a member of. |
Summary | Description |
Pinned Comment Text Position on Review Page | Review page display of pinned open comments now matches how they print on deliverables. |
Text box Text Alignment | Text box content alignment now matches on Review page as well as in printed deliverables. |
Stamps Display Size in Review Page Compared to Printed PDF | Stamp text placement and text size on printed deliverable plans now better matches how this displays on the Review page. |
Image size recommendations on the Branding page | Added messaging on Branding page for recommended image dimensions. |
Display Full Status Labels in Review Page Drop-down | Full labels are now displayed within Review page 'Status' drop-down rather than abbreviation. |
New Intake UI - Match New Doc Submittal with Prior Version if Name Match is Found | New intake UI updated so that if incoming document name is recognized, the prior submittal is pre-selected on the Project Intake page. |
New Intake UI - Fix distribution workflow filters | New intake UI updated so that only appropriate distribution workflows were applied to document records when processing assignments for an individual file. Distribution setting must be 'on'; workflow must be 'Active'; both 'Purpose' and 'Project Type' of workflow must match project data; finally, 'Review Type' must either be part of filename OR workflow Review Type must equal "any" ( * ). |
New Intake UI - Batch Assignment - Assign Selected Documents still bring up all workflows | New intake UI updated so that only appropriate distribution workflows were applied to document records when batch processing assignments for multiple files. |
Review Page Render On Demand | If user go to review page and there is no thumbnail + review images for the current page, EPR will trigger render on demand for that one page. |
Send Notification for features dealing with contributor Role | When a user sets the 'Response Enabled' feature on a comment, this now triggers an email notification to any project team members with the Contributor role. Separately, whenever anyone responds to a comment within a response thread, users involved in the thread will be notified of the response via email. |
Added Captcha to "Request a New Account" Link | Added Captcha to "Request a New Account" Link as a security enhancement to prevent non-human requests from causing issues. |
Don't Call goPost When Project Status Updated to Cycle Complete | EPR no longer calls goPost when project status has been updated to 'Cycle Complete' as this status is no longer applicable to goPost. |
Append Comment Number to Comment Attachment Filename | If an attachment is added to a project using the comment form, append the comment number to the beginning of the attachment file name. |
Remove Version Check for Scout | Updated PDF Scout messaging to remove pdf version 1.4 warning to prevent user confusion. (PDF Scout now accepts pdf version 1.3 files). |
Summary | Description |
Partial Intake / Slipsheet | Allows applicant to resubmit plan sets with fewer pages than the previous submittal, with the intent that only new and/or changed pages need to be resubmitted. Extracted Sheet Number data will be used to either map updated pages to existing versions or slip new sheets into an appropriate location. |
Persist Intake Tab | The Projects/Intake tab will now persist even when no documents require intake. A new message displays when all documents complete intake. |
Create Assignments for Multiple Documents During Intake | Project Intake Page now allows user to select multiple documents and create a set of assignments that apply to all selections. Users can also continue to create separate assignments per individual file. |
OCR Page Updates | Updated OCR page UI to allow users to set page Sheet Numbers for each version of a document. See here for more details. |
Display Document Submittal Value Instead of Version Datestamp | Updated Thumbnail panel drop-down to display document submittal to reviewers rather than version datestamp. |
Thumbnail Updates | Enlarged thumbnail image and moved Sheet Number to display beneath image. |
Thumbnail Comment Count | Thumbnail comment count now considers only comments with "open" dispositions. |
Highlight New/Changed Pages | On thumbnail panel, new/updated pages for the current document version are highlighted in blue. |
Layer Updates | Updated UI so all expandable layers are grouped together. |
Markup Batch Move Tool | Added tool that can batch migrate all markups from current page to another selected page. |
New Version Notification | Users who are already on the Review page when a new document version is processed will be notified that a new version is available and have their changes saved before being updated. |
PDF Printer Updates | Updated EPR PDF printer to print render a greater variety of PDF files successfully. |
Display Full Assignment Status Labels in Review Drop-down | Updated Review page drop-down to display full assignment status label with abbreviation. |
Select All Checkbox for Deliverable Attachments | Added a 'Select All' checkbox to Projects/Deliverables/Attachments tab. |
Update UI for Delete Controls | User interface has been updated to display 'Delete' trash can icon more readily rather than having delete method nested within an expanded options '...' menu. |
Summary | Description |
Moving documents from goPost to EPR | Modified method for moving files from goPost to EPR so process occurs on the backend instead of depending on the browser |
Enhance Environment > Partners page to allow adding new partners in the UI | Enhanced the Environment > Partners to allow adding new partner when none exists via the UI. |
Complete Date Header in Dashboard is actually the Project Due Date | Updated labeling to clarify that 'Complete Date' is actually Project 'Due Date.' |
Corrections Report PDF Comment Text Cuts Off | Changed method for generating corrections reports such that comment text no longer cuts off. |
New Overlay Enhancements | Several enhancements to existing overlay controls: arrow keys now nudge one unit at a time, though pressing down will move the layer quickly; input values now update without clicking outside the field; Overlay and Original labels reflect current color settings as defined in the PREFERENCES section of the upper left menu |
1.6.1 Bug Fixes
Summary | Description |
EPR slows down and almost appears to freeze when attempting to add e-mails address(es) to the CC line in "Comments" | Resolved an issue where entering long email addresses in CC line resulted in slow loading. |
Updating a project assignments is triggering a new assignment email notification. | Resolved issue where assignment creation was triggering email notifications even when user was not subscribed. |
Deliverable package sent to cc address isn't being received | Resolved issue where packages were not being delivered to addresses included in cc field. |
EPR QA Email Page Error Message | Resolved issue where Email page returns a "user is not authorized error" unexpectedly. |
Refresh Issue During Intake | Resolved an issue where thumbnails on intake page did not update as expected after creating assignments. |
Some portion of the dashboard (projects in cycle complete) in ERP does not load or finish loading | Resolved an issue where dashboard table for Projects in Cycle Complete was loading slowly or did not complete. |
Project Details Page Asking If You Want To Save with No Updates Made | Resolved issue where 'Unsaved changes' message was triggering when no project data changes were made. |
Assignment Status Drop-downs | Resolved an issue where assignment status drop-down fields were not loading as expected. |
Project Service Area Not Populating with goPost Data | Resolved issue where project Service Area field did not populate using goPost data as expected. |
Columns Filters search option is not filtering correctly | Restored wild card functionality in search column filters. |
Markups Display Assignee as Owner Instead of Creator | Resolved an issue where markups were displayed as belonging to the plan assignee instead of the markup creator. |
Summary | Description |
Comment Panel Icons Don't Match Comment Disposition | Changed method for setting Review page comments panel icon to more accurately match comment disposition. |
Assignment Status Not Automatically Updating when Making Mark-ups | Resolved issue where assignment status did not update from 'Not Started' to 'Active' status automatically when a user added a markup. |
Adding Comments Triggers Save Markups Button | Resolved issue where adding a comment was triggering the SAVE button unnecessarily. |
Logging in as GM and select Projects page and it just spins, no error message | Resolved issue where Group Manager role could not load the Projects page successfully. |
Projects/Assignments - Have to refresh the page in order to see Assignment Changes | Resolved issue where changing assignment record data did not automatically refresh table. |
Project Assignment assignee drop down list is blank | Resolved issue where assignee drop down was displaying as blank when editing project assignments. |
Unable to set Project Assignment Status | Resolved issue where assignment status drop down was displaying as blank when editing project assignments. |
Release 1.5.2 Enhancements APR 19, 2019
Summary | Description |
Update User Profile Window | Removed the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE fields from the USER PROFILE window. |
Update Address in Project Header | Updated address display in Project Header to also include City, State and ZIP code or Lot Number and Tract Number (if supplied). |
Reassignment from Group to Named User | Allows review tasks to be reassigned from general Group to specific Named User. |
Update PDFScout Response UI | Updates Scout messaging to wrap text instead of cutting off. |
Create hash whenever a deliverable is created | Provides partners with a download option for deliverables. |
Auto add PARTNER account into project Team Member List | Automatically adds partner record into new project team member list for all integrate partners. |
Exclude correction report template data from saving to event log | Excludes report template content before saving create or update record into the event log. |
Sort table header for Permission Section | Change sort of table headers in Permissions section to: View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Replace Downloadable Standard Comments Template (.csv to .xls) | Replaces downloadable Standard Comments template .csv file with an .xls file. |
Review Page Image Quality When Zooming | Changed Review page to always use high quality image instead of only switching to high quality image as needed during tighter zooms. |
Modify PDFScout Response for [object Object] | Modified PDFScout response to provide further detail whenever PDF metadata issue is encountered. |
Replace deprecated report header template component | Automatically replaces deprecated Report Header template component with new components wherever previously used. |
Implement New Overlay Comparison Controls | Implemented new Overlay Comparison controls allowing user to better nudge, scale, and exit mode. Detailed instructions are available here. |
1.5.2 Bug Fixes
Summary | Description |
Project Contact is not transferring to EPR | Resolved issue where transferred contact data sometimes did not display in project. |
Restrict Prior Document Version Edits When Newer Version Available | Resolved scenario where users were able to edit prior document versions even after a newer version became available. |
Closing Comment updates status across all Document Versions | Resolved issue where comment status change was reflected across all document versions. Instead, changes are reflected in current and later versions. |
User Can Only Access Current and Prior Version in Comparison Tool | Resolved issue preventing users from accessing document versions older than current and previous version. |
Auto Refresh is Not Triggering After List Type record Added | Resolved an issue where List Type table did not auto refresh when new record was added. |
ColumnFilter not updating page tables properly until refreshed | Resolved issue where saving columnFilter changes did not update page table(s) properly. |
Reviewer cannot delete a stamp | Resolved an issue where 'Stamp - Delete' api call did not work as expected. |
Update Corrections Report address Permission Requirement | Removed requirement for having Settings > Address > View rights in order to create a corrections report. |