Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Plan review documents undergo a rendering process that starts immediately after upload. 

The rendering process creates several PNG images for each page in a plan review document: two full-page images at differing sizes, images for each page quadrant, and thumbnails for navigation and OCR. These PNG files are served forward to the workstation's browser window when the document or document record is viewed. On the Review page, document page thumbnails are called as requestedthey are needed.

The rendering process is performed on AWS using LAMBDA services. Follow the instructions below to open the render log for your portal.

Files in the Attachments page are not rendered because no plan review is requiredexpected.

Opening the Render and Print Render Log


In addition to converting a PDF page to a PNG image, print rendering is also performed to create a PDF deliverable. See Preparing Document Deliverables


Print rendering is available for an individual document using the printer icon on the Review page.


Rendering a Plan Review Document Manually

Pages that Document records that do not load a thumbnail successfully, or those which do not load in one or more pages within the Review page thumbnail viewer, indicate that the document some page image may not have rendered properly.

The render status for a document version can also be confirmed on the Projects/Documents/Submittals table.

  • A green checkmark under the 'Render' column indicates all PNG images for all pages have been rendered successfully.
  • A red 'X' under this column indicates that one or more PNG images have not rendered successfully.
  • A red '?' under this column indicates that rendering is incomplete.

To rerun the render process:

  1. Navigate to the Projects Document/Documents/Submittals page (shown above).
  2. Locate the document submittal record flagged with an X or ?indicating that the render process was unsuccessful or incomplete.
  3. Select Click on the ellipsis (...) on the right margin of the page (shown below) and choose 'Render'.
  4. The existing PNG files will be discarded and regenerated in a matter of seconds.Documents successfully rendered will be marked with a green checkmark.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "EKB"
